Friday, March 18, 2011

Fitness Update: Setbacks

Well, life happens. I have lost three pounds and my weight is stabilizing. I have been consistent in my workout and diet routine. I have, however, had three dieting setbacks. I met with my friends for coffee and a movie. The coffee shop was closed and so we had frozen coffee at a place that serves terrible regular coffee. I also had a chicken pot pie (1075 calories!) one day and two slices of spinach pizza (280 per slice) on another day when my dad and I were expecting company.
I have also had emotional setbacks recently. The job search has worn me down. Just today I received another job refusal and cried in my hands. I know that emotions make me normally want chocolate or alcohol but I have no intention of doing either.
The most important thing is that I have not become discouraged and am only more eager to achieve my goals. I am exercising every day and will include running in the morning instead of yoga. I looked on WebMD and found that although my calorie intake is in tact, I am not meeting my exercise requirements for successful weight loss.
As for my job search, I can't let it bother me. If I do not try then I can not succeed. I am stepping it up a notch in that area as well. If things get really bad I can wear a "Hire Me" sign as I take my morning runs ;). I know that when I see the pounds shed, a more confident, active self will step forth into the world. I look forward to meeting her.


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So make sure you are worthy of what you create with your thoughts!